Mature trees are biocarbon heavyweights
With CO2 levels surpassing safe limits, carbon storage may be the most important life-supporting function Northwest forests provide the planet.
Northwest Biocarbon Initiative

This Climate Solutions program is no longer active.

The Northwest Biocarbon Initiative elevates the essential role that natural systems play in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. By galvanizing the region’s emerging biocarbon community to develop strategies that increase natural carbon capture and build a vibrant restoration economy, we are positioning the Northwest as the nation’s leading incubator for biocarbon solutions.


Biocarbon Solutions


Creating markets for nature's goods and services

The BioCycle Conference in Portland April 16-19 focused on the new economics of materials and natural services – harnessing organic wastes with processes that make valuable goods, and valuing ecological services to send the right signals on the use of nature in general.


Organic residues provide a vital link to solving the climate crisis

What do yard trimmings, food waste, woody materials, biosolids, manure, municipal solid waste and other organic residues have to do with cooling our overheating climate? 

Fog on Ebey's Bluff

Protecting shrinking farmlands

In a world of ever increasing stress on our food and energy supplies, it makes little sense to pave farmland under sprawl, but that’s what we’ve been doing. 

Depave in action

Unpave paradise, get rid of the parking lots

Our country, America the Beautiful, boasts somewhere between 105 million and 2 billion parking spaces, according to a New York Times blog that caught my eye the other day. 

The home run we need: Biocarbon

RBI.  I’m a baseball fanatic -- especially in playoff season -- and I was hoping that our new program could have that acronym.  

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Join our email list to learn about what we do and how to get involved. 

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events posted at this time.

coastal wetland

Blue carbon goes big Down Under

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever.  ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.

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Dr. Nalini Nadkarni

Meet the "Queen of the Forest Canopy"

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

Dr. Nadkarni is a forest ecologist, sometimes known as “Queen of the Forest Canopy” for her pioneering work in understanding the ecological dynamics up in the treetops. She is also incredibly creative and committed to fostering public understanding of science and nature.

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The business case for greening our cities

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

We know ‘green infrastructure’ can provide low-cost solutions for communities to better handle those big pulses of water gushing over roads and into pipes when the big rains come… and we know greening our cities is good for biocarbon and for the human spirit. 

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flood in California

Pacific coast readies for climate superstorm

While the East Coast still struggled to recover from Superstorm Sandy, a Nov. 13th Climate Risk Roundtable convened in San Francisco to explore the challenges of keeping society’s vital systems running as the climate grows more turbulent.

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soil carbon challenge

Literal grassroots leadership: The Soil Carbon Challenge

The Soil Carbon Challenge is a “competition to see how fast land managers can turn atmospheric carbon into soil organic matter. If you want to find out how fast a human can run 100 meters, do you build a computer model, do a literature search, or convene a panel of experts on human physiology to make a prediction? No, you run a race. Or a series of them.”

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