Not Another Haiyan, Climate Justice Now!
Beacon Hill Food Forest

March from Beacon Hill - Seattle's historically Filipino community, into Georgetown site of some of Seattle's worst environmental justice and the staging grounds for fossil fuel exports! Wear Blue.

In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest storm ever to make landfall, hit the Philippines, leaving tens of thousands injured or dead and displacing over six million people. Instead of providing support and relief to the victims of this climate disaster the United States ramped up it's imperialist military presence. At the same time new pushes to export coal, oil and gas through the Northwest continue to drive the climate crisis. 

On Nov. 7th, we will March to remember the victims and survivors of Typhoon Haiyan and climate disasters worldwide. While we do we demand an end to fossil fuel exports driving these disasters and the systems of imperialism, capitalism and CO2lonialism that created this and other disasters, 

Peoples in the Global South bear the least responsibility for the climate crisis, but every year they face more and more of its devastating impacts. Meanwhile U.S. Corporations plan to extract the dirtiest coal and oil and ship it overseas to the Global South, where much of it will power further extractive neo-colonial land grabs and devastation.

Since 2013 the U.S. has dramatically expanded its fossil fuel production. The Pacific Northwest is poised to become a dirty-energy superhighway to export Climate Chaos to the world. Oil and Coal trains threaten local rail-line, low-income and immigrant communities with health risks, spills and explosions, while delivering devastating blows to the climate. The Pacific Northwest can be a thin green line against this new form of CO2lonialism.

U.S. Imperialism, fossil fuel exports, environmental injustice and climate chaos are all part of the same system. We need System Change not Climate Change!

Meet at 11 AM at the Beacon Hill Food Forest, Wear Blue.

More details TBA

We are working to provide language interpretation upon request We are working to provide ASL interpretation upon request.
Please e-mail if you need it.

The March will be 1.3 miles long, mostly downhill. We are working to provide a bus that can transport people unable to walk that far. 

Demand Justice, Drown Imperialism, #FloodTheSystem



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