Spread the word: our bright future starts now

I have good news: We can still solve the climate crisis.

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Help spread the word about the bright future within our reach! Sign up for Climate Solutions news and share these tweets: 

We’re already experiencing the impacts of climate change, but we still have a window of time to turn things around. We can build a bright future, and we need to spread the word that we’re already building it.

The transformation to a clean energy economy will be an enormous challenge, but the facts are clear: A complete transition to clean energy is achievable. A bold, fast, and determined shift in the next three decades is both necessary and possible.  But more people need to know about it.

Today Climate Solutions launches our Bright Future initiative to demonstrate that the transition to clean energy and a low-carbon economy is achievable, inevitable, and desirable. By documenting and showcasing the clean energy transition that’s emerging, with facts, stories, and solution strategies, we will demonstrate our bright future and help the Northwest accelerate the transition to clean energy.

We can get to that bright future by advancing parallel pathways of:

Clean Power: Removing coal entirely from the Northwest’s power grid is possible, while doubling down on energy efficiency, limiting natural gas, and increasing renewable energy to attain a 100% clean grid by 2035.


Moving Beyond Oil: The Northwest can join California in pledging to reduce petroleum consumption by one-half in the transportation sector by 2030 and by replacing 100% of fossil fuel with clean fuel by 2050.


Clean Energy Economy: The clean energy economy is expanding rapidly with investments in innovative renewable and low-carbon technologies and spurring economic development in the Northwest.


Urban Clean Energy: Deep carbon reduction is possible in buildings, transportation, and energy supply at the local level, where 70% of carbon emissions are generated.


Just Transition: The transition to clean energy must offer broadly shared economic opportunity and must include the communities that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel extraction and burning.


You know that people and communities are mobilizing, solutions are advancing, and governments are responding. You know we can solve the climate crisis. Help us spread the word by signing up for news and alerts to read and share. Together, we can eliminate peoples' sense of futility and paralysis, so more of us understand that we can help solve it, too.

We can do this. It’s not too late. We can get on the path to a bright future. But we need to spread the word.

A Bright future is emerging, and you're part of it. Pass it on!

Author Bio

Gregg Small
Gregg Small

Executive Director, Climate Solutions

Gregg brings more than 30 years of experience working on climate, environmental, and public policy issues, including more than 25 as an Executive Director. At Climate Solutions, Gregg oversees a staff of more than three dozen policy experts, campaigners, innovators, and researchers across Washington and Oregon, providing strategic direction for one of the most effective regional climate and clean economy organizations in the nation. Under his leadership, Climate Solutions and our many allies have successfully passed some of the best climate policies in the United States.

Prior to coming to Climate Solutions, Gregg served as the Executive Director of Toxic-Free Future for 7 years and as the Executive Director of the California-based Pesticide Watch for 5 years. During that time, he played a leadership role in creating and developing a number of leading coalitions working on environmental health issues in Washington state and nationally. At Climate Solutions, he helped to found the Washington-based Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy and Renew Oregon, and has served on the executive committee of multiple statewide climate change ballot measure campaigns including Yes on I-1631 in 2018 and No on I-2117 in 2024.

Gregg began his professional career in 1993 as an organizer for Green Corps, working in Washington, DC, Vermont, and California. He received his B.A. in Political Science from Dickinson College.

When not at work, Gregg spends time with his family and raising awareness about Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease that his son Jude has and that he is passionate about finding a cure for.