image of wild flowers on Mt Hood
Oregon’s Climate Wins in the 2023 Legislative Session
We saw success despite a challenging legislative environment that included a minority of Senators leading the longest walkout in Oregon’s history. Because the legislative calendar was down to the wire, many climate and clean energy bills were combined into two omnibus bills...

The Electric Vehicle Imperative for Cities

When smart policy meets public demand, EV programs can help cities drive quietly into a low-carbon future.

Mobile, AL wetlands

Who saves with solar, and who pays?

Economic risks of climate change, severe drought and forests on fire, Fortune 500 companies embracing renewable energy, electric vehicles and utilities; and much more.

Waste becomes energy: Junction City closes the carbon loop

Food waste in landfills creates methane as it decomposes – a  potent greenhouse gas. An innovative program in Junction City, OR transforms this waste into clean, renewable energy.

ClimateCast Logo over rainforest dweller

Community control good for carbon storage

California flooded with proposals for grid storage; narrow escape from oil-spill disaster in Seattle; climate change impacts our mental health; and much more.

ClimateCast Logo over algae in bags

‘Deep decarbonization’ feasible for biggest emitters

Fifteen roadmaps to decarbonize the biggest carbon-emitting economies, Indian solar entrepreneurs electrifying rural villages, oil companies gambling trillions in exploration dollars, and much more.

ClimateCast Logo over Kiribatian island

Migrating to high ground

Pacific islanders secure a refuge from rising seas, compost boosts carbon storage in California ranchlands, Venetian-style canals floated for Manhattan, and much more. 

ClimateCast Logo over Supreme Court façade

Climate action wins in court

Why rooftop solar is only half the price in Germany and Australia as in the U.S., what impacts of climate change make people move away, and other top stories of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast Logo over algae in flasks

Getting the carbon out of electricity

Europe backs away from food-based biofuels, Google unveils self-driving cars, the race between a biker and Car2Go, and many more tales of climate and clean energy

ClimateCast Logo over graph of solar and wind power production

Utility bonds downgraded on promise of rooftop solar with storage

Renewables gain market share as prices drop, Royal Dutch Shell rebuffs 'stranded asset' worries, California cap-and-trade laid bare, and much more

ClimateCast Logo over Pteropod

Europeans see financial risk in fossil fuels

In this week’s ClimateCast: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announces climate plan, New York utilities rethink their business model, pteropods succumbing to sour sea water, and more.



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Women in Trades Career Fair

The largest non-traditional career fair of its kind, Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. produces the interactive, 3-day Women in Trades Career Fair to increase the overall number of women working in the trades and to help fill the imminent gap in the labor force that will be created with record-levels of upcoming retirements of skilled trades people.

Produced annually since 1993, this unique, industry sponsored and volunteer powered event offers dozens of hands-on activities designed to introduce women and girls to the possibility of a future career in the trades.

Oregon Conservation Network Lobby Day

About OCN

The Oregon Conservation Network (OCN) is coordinated by OLCV's Education Fund. 

Over 40 Oregon conservation organizations work together in the Legislature on shared Priorities for a Healthy Oregon. Together, we pass pro-conservation laws, protect our unique quality of life, and ensure a better Oregon for our children.

OCN is powered by the thousands of Oregonians who belong to its member organizations.

Oregon's Energy Future

Returning for its ninth year, this conference has become the State's signature clean energy event, bringing together members of the energy industry, energy policy & economic development leaders, project hosts, and users of energy services. Included within this one conference are:

Policy & Economic Development
Looking at the current context for clean energy, and how Oregon can continue on its leadership path in the face of changing market dynamics.

Gayle Goschie - Goschie Farms

Climate cheers to Oregon beers

Almost happy hour on the west coast. Actually anytime you find yourself reading this it’s five o’clock somewhere. So raise your glass, because it’s time to salute the climate solutions brewing in one of Oregon’s signature industries.

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