- Memo to the Very Serious People: Resistance isn’t futile and irony can be delicious
by Ross Macfarlane on
Wyoming's only new coal mine, Kiewit's Haystack Mine in SW Wyoming, halted construction yesterday before shipping any coal. Why should we care about coal mining in Wyoming? Short answer: it is at the heart of the biggest coal mining region in the United States, and by some calculations the world.
- Urban ecosystem services: the promise of green infrastructure
by Steve Whitney on
Urban green infrastructure is increasingly seen as an effective way to meet regulatory obligations for control of polluted runoff or high stormwater flows, while also generating an array of ecosystem service co-benefits.
- Restoring tidal wetlands: pioneering a biocarbon solution at the Snohomish River Delta
by Keeley O'Connell on
Tidal wetlands provide great potential to sequester and store greenhouse gases. Restore Americas Estuaries and EarthCorps are investigating the carbon sequestration value of tidal wetlands.
- Blue carbon goes big Down Under
by Rhys Roth on
Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever. ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.
- Cloud Peak Energy: “All in” for coal exports from the West Coast
by Ross Macfarlane on
There’s an old joke that explains the difference between being “involved” and being “committed.” Think of a ham and eggs breakfast. The hen is involved, the pig is committed. Recent developments make clear that Cloud Peak Energy is fully committed to coal exports from Washington terminals.
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