image of a gas burner boiling water in a clear glass pot
credit to Ervins Strauhmanis
Public Comment Opportunity: NW Natural’s Long-Term Plan

NW Natural doesn't have a realistic plan to meet Oregon's climate goals. Tell the Commission to send them back to the drawing board

What is happening and why it matters!

Oregon has climate goals requiring gas utilities to slash pollution by 90% by 2050. NW Natural, the state’s largest gas utility, has put forward a 20-year Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) that risks leaving customers on the hook for huge, irresponsible investments that are not in line with our state’s climate goals.

What can you do about it?

Show up and testify to the Commission tomorrow at 1:30pm about why NW Natural’s plan should be rejected – for the climate and for communities. Here is a public comment toolkit to get started.

Can’t make it? You can submit written comments before June 6th by emailing! Put “LC 79” or “NW Natural IRP” in the subject line. 

Info for Hearing:

  • When: Thursday, June 1, 1:30 pm. The meeting starts at 9:30 am but public comment will happen starting at 1:30 pm. We recommend signing in starting at 1:20 so there is time to raise your hand for comment. 
  • Phone: 669-254-5252; Meeting ID: 160 538 4705; 

 Passcode: 7543222828

Author Bio

Greer Ryan

Former Oregon Clean Buildings Policy Manager, Climate Solutions

Greer works to advance policies and regulations that will drive a rapid transition to 100% clean, safe, and equitable buildings for all. 

Prior to joining Climate Solutions, Greer was a Senior Energy Policy Analyst at the Center for Biological Diversity. In this role, she advanced various energy justice policy solutions, including reducing barriers to distributed solar, ensuring consumer protections from utility shutoffs, and increasing transparency and accountability of utility influence spending.  

Greer holds an M.S. in Environmental Science from Indiana University and a B.S. in Molecular Environmental Biology from UC Berkeley. In her free time, Greer enjoys exploring Oregon's beautiful outdoors with her dog, swimming, and vegan baking.