leaning tulips
We won't be pushed backward: No on I-2117
If passed by Washington voters this fall, Initiative 2117 would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, and erase funding for myriad clean energy projects, environmental justice initiatives, and good jobs. Further, the state would be blocked from any action on capping pollution and making polluters pay for their carbon pollution moving forward.
Climate change
ClimateCast logo over "It's the Climate" sign in Grants Pass, OR

Trump appointments signal hard line on climate denial

Samoan island to be 100% solar powered, sea level rise starting to affect coastal Florida real estate prices, clean energy gets small-town support, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Seven steps forward

In 2017, climate and clean energy successes will be driven at the local, state, and regional levels. In the months ahead we must be ready to move forward boldly, and with steadfast ambition. Here are some simple ways you can help.

The arc of the moral universe still bends towards...

It has become obvious that we need to find new and better ways to align good climate policy with fairness, inclusion, and solutions that work for everyone. If we don’t, fossil fuel interests will fend off the transition we need by capitalizing on the same insecurity and fear that won Trump the White House.

ClimateCast logo over Gobi desert scene

China halts construction on 30 new coal power plants

Florida solar advocates battle misleading ballot measure, climate change to harm subsistence farmers worldwide, new wind turbines have built-in pumped hydro storage, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.  

Low-Carbon Grid, High-Carbon Highways

The bulk of Washington and Oregon’s carbon pollution comes from transportation. We've got (mostly) clean electricity—now let's electrify everything, including cars and trucks.

ClimateCast logo over map of world temperatures

Paris pact nears ratification, summer breaks heat record

New carbon math says climate goals can’t be met if humanity burns all the oil, gas, and coal in existing wells and mines, let alone develops new ones—and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over artist's rendition of electric bus

Clean energy grows, makes fossil power less profitable

Worldwide electric car sales up 49 percent in first half of 2016, designers develop wearable solar cells, Canada to set a minimum national carbon price, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Thousand-year dreaming: floods tell a climate story

Even as drought and wildfire threaten agriculture, wildlife and air quality, other regions across North America are suffering the effects and aftereffects of intense flooding. As with wildfire, extreme flooding is also a story we must tell in the context of human-caused climate damage.

ClimateCast logo over shot of President Barack Obama shaking hands with UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon

US & China ratify Paris pact, Dakota oil protest heats up

Grid in the eastern US could accommodate 30% renewable power, ‘sunny day’ coastal flooding already commonplace, UN body drafts rules to limit airline emissions, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

ClimateCast logo over blessing of Lummi totem pole

Cut climate pollution 40% by 2030? CA: “Yes, we will!”

Lummi bring totem pole to Sioux pipeline protest, sea-level rise may claim 1.9 million US homes by 2100, EV is to internal combustion as cell is to landline, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 



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Showing the utility of electric transportation

Submitted by Kelly Hall on

With a clean power grid, electric transportation can be a huge climate solution. How huge is limited only by our imagination—and whether our power utilities will rise to embrace a vision of a clean-energy transportation future.

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