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New Year, New Rates
While many of us are still reeling from the sticker shock we received from our energy bills after last year’s extreme winter weather, a new round of rate increases is right around the corner. If you are anything like me, many of you are thinking about those bills as you debate whether to turn up the heat or bundle up.
ClimateCast 20 Oct 2023

If you didn't like the Keystone XL pipeline...

A controversial pipeline expansion gets approved over a multitude of objections. What climate change will mean for food production and equity. And a major public investment in hydrogen energy.

Photo of gas pipeline

Avista used customer money to fund anti-climate litigation in Oregon

[PRESS RELEASE] Avista inappropriately billed customers for anti-climate litigation spending, and is proposing to increase bills for continued litigation costs, according to testimony submitted by environmental groups to the Oregon PUC.

image of a gas meter on a yellow wall

Public Comment Opportunity: Avista Gas Rate Hike

Avista is seeking to increase gas bills to expand the gas system when they should be shrinking it. Oregon has climate goals requiring gas utilities to slash pollution by 90% by 2050.

image of a gas burner boiling water in a clear glass pot

Public Comment Opportunity: NW Natural’s Long-Term Plan

NW Natural doesn't have a realistic plan to meet Oregon's climate goals. Tell the Commission to send them back to the drawing board.

image of the Oregon senate chamber with no one present

Oregon GOP Walkout Threatens Climate Progress AGAIN

By denying quorum for the state Senate to do business, Oregon's Senate Republicans have ground all progress in the Oregon legislature — and even the state budget — to a halt. The state’s climate agenda hangs in the balance among many other critical priorities.

Photo of gas plant

Advocates urge Oregon regulators to reject NW Natural’s risky investment plan

In Support of Public Utility Commission Staff’s Analysis, Climate Advocates Call on Commissioners to Require the Major Gas Utility to Develop a Realistic Long-term Investment Plan to Meet State

image of the capitol building in Salem with spring flowers

2023 Oregon Legislative Priorities

We’re officially halfway through the 2023 legislative session here in Oregon, and there is A LOT to report about where we’re at on climate action. 

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🎬 Not so "natural" gas?

The fossil fuel industry promotes methane — commonly referred to as "natural gas" — as a safe and healthy source of energy. However, using methane has major negative health and environmental consequences.

Amazon's glass house

Amazon's glass house

When it comes to carbon emissions, Amazon shouldn't throw stones. Also: ratcheting down tailpipe emissions

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🎬 Not so "natural" gas?

Submitted by Jonathan Lee on

The fossil fuel industry promotes methane — commonly referred to as "natural gas" — as a safe and healthy source of energy. However, using methane has major negative health and environmental consequences.
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