leaning tulips
We won't be pushed backward: No on I-2117
If passed by Washington voters this fall, Initiative 2117 would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, and erase funding for myriad clean energy projects, environmental justice initiatives, and good jobs. Further, the state would be blocked from any action on capping pollution and making polluters pay for their carbon pollution moving forward.
Climate change
ClimateCast logo over palm trees and solar panels

Bonn talks yield forest deal; rest of pact left to co-chairs

EPA to regulate airplanes’ climate pollution, Hawaii aims for 100% renewable power by 2045, rooftop solar installations up 76 percent, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions

Shell No(t Necessary)

Melting the Arctic ice cap, then drilling for oil where the ice used to be, would be crazy and wrong even if we needed the oil. But we don’t!

Coastal Washington communities say no to oil trains

Should the health and security of our maritime communities be sacrificed for a fossil fuel export superhighway? In response to proposals for new oil and coal terminals, folks from the Grays Harbor area are coming together to protect their communities and our climate.

Unions representing 60,000 workers say "Shell No"

In a powerful statement released today, several major unions accuse Shell and the Port of Seattle of neglecting the interests of working people, Seattle's economic well-being, and the future health of our communities and our planet.

The Yes Men are coming—and find Seattle to be revolting

With Seattle at the forefront of the fight for climate action, where else would pranksters the Yes Men choose to premiere their latest film?

ClimateCast logo over Kenyan women and solar panel

G7 to decarbonize by 2100, but sets vague 2050 goal

Norway divests from coal companies, former Tesla engineer retrofits garbage trucks with hybrid drive, Maasai women sell off-grid solar in the bush, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Serenity, Shmerenity

The oil industry would like us to keep our dependence on fossil fuels in the category of "things I cannot change," instead of finding "courage to change the things I can." Shell's Arctic drilling plans pose a serious threat to our security and a stable climate future. Their fleet's presence in Seattle is straining our community and sending our economy off in the wrong direction. Serenity? Puh-leeze.

Windmills spinning at sunset

The right policy for Oregon at the right time

An exciting bill making its ways through the legislature would hold major polluters accountable for their contributions to global warming, require Oregon to achieve its legislatively adopted climate goals, and level the playing field for clean energy development in our state. 

ClimateCast logo over kayaks protesting the Polar Pioneer, Seattle

Canada vows 30% carbon cut, pipelines hit resistance

$1 billion can’t buy love for an LNG terminal, biomimicry improves PV design, climate cinema on screens large and small, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over flood-irrigated furrows

Pipeline-backing Tories ousted in Alberta elections

Biofuels for aviation move ahead, Seattle ‘kayaktivists’ prepare for showdown with Shell, TV meteorologists accept climate science, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.



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From the Pacific to Paris and back

The Paris Agreement sets the stage for the immediate future of coordinated, international climate action. Much of the actual progress will depend on local and regional action; every Northwest oil terminal abandoned, ton of coal left in ground, and solar panel installed, fuels the ambition of the U.S., Canada, and therefore countries around the world to meet and exceed our carbon-reduction goals. 


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Cities act on climate: the power of hope

Today in Portland, five west coast mayors announced aggressive commitments to aggressive action on both climate change and equity. The announcement comes directly after a Paris gathering of international mayors talking climate change; it also closely follows the groundbreaking climate resolutions passed last month in Portland. Here's the story of how those resolutions came to be.

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Take action: No Senate deal with Big Oil

Is the US Senate really preparing to eliminate the ban on crude oil export – threatening our communities and setting back our fight against climate change? And are they really doing so on the same week as the Paris climate conference?

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1.5: to stay alive, or same old jive?

Submitted by KC Golden on

Civil-society climate justice advocates and vulnerable nations may be succeeding in their push for a more aggressive target for limiting global warming. This development shows a shift in power towards the priorities of a massive global climate movement–and it's the news from Paris, as much as the climate agreement text itself.

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350.org PDX Road through Paris - Portland March for Climate Justice

SAVE THE DATE: December 12th, the day after the UN Paris Climate Talks end, people all across the world are taking to the streets to make sure the people, not the politicians, have the last word. Regardless of what gets decided in Paris, we know that climate leadership is coming from the ground up with the grassroots and cities leading the way.

In Portland, things are shaping up for a great event!

Cities on the move: the Road Through Paris

Cities (or "sub-nationals," in international climate negotiations-speak) are at the vanguard of where real climate solutions are being implemented around the world. That will remain true in the years ahead, no matter how ambitious an agreement emerges from the COP21 climate talks in Paris this month--local and state governments will be shouldering much of the load of creative carbon emissions reduction, of energy efficiency improvements, and of access to renewable energy.

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Lighting Up Paris

Submitted by KC Golden on

Darkness of the most desperate and terrifying kind descended on Paris in the November 13 attacks.  The world convenes now in the City of Light, with an ever more urgent and sober sense of the pressing need for global cooperation for peace and justice.

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