Press Room

Goldman Sachs Sacks Coal Terminal Investment

by csadmin on

Goldman Sachs Infrastructure Partners has sold off its remaining equity investment in the company proposing a 48 million ton per year coal export terminal north of Bellingham whicih, if built, would be the largest coal export terminal in North America. The move comes after coal companies have tabled or dropped three out of six proposed coal export terminals in the Pacific Northwest in the last two years.

Capturing carbon, saving money, and enhancing regional communities

by csadmin on

The Northwest Biocarbon Initiative, City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, Ecotrust, and the Willamette Partnership provided a briefing on the climate and economic benefits of natural infrastructure in Portland and the Willamette Valley, announced the release of Natural Infrastructure: A Climate-Smart Solution, and led a 45-minute tour of multiple natural infrastructure projects in Portland's South Waterfront area.

Small Cities and Towns Pioneering the Clean Energy Economy

by Eileen V. Quigley on

Small- and Medium-Sized Communities Innovate on Clean-Energy and Efficiency Programs

Press Contacts

for Washington State inquiries:
Stephanie Noren, Washington Communications Manager
stephanie.noren (at)

for Oregon inquiries:
Juan Munoz, Oregon Communications Manager
juan.munoz (at)

general inquiries:
Kimberly Larson, Director of Communications and Engagement
kimberly.larson (at)