Photo of a shaded Seattle street
Cutting the high cost of urban shade
Urban heat islands are caused by too many buildings and not enough green space. Accordingly, a natural solution is to add greenery back into cities.
ClimateCast logo over Eiffel Tower

Keystone veto, solar to eclipse fossil fuel in decade

Eiffel Tower sporting turbines; acid oceans pose threat to shellfish; coffee and whiskey fodder for biofuels; coal no longer King in China; and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast logo over parabolic trough collector

Price of solar hits new low, cities prep for higher tides

Copenhagen neighborhood re-engineered for high water, new day-and-night solar plant on line in California desert, “Uber for trucks” makes freight transport more efficient, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over Shishmaref beachside cabin

Under Lima pact, all nations to cut carbon...voluntarily

Cheap petroleum leads firms to stop oil drilling, South Carolina gets net-metering for solar, carbon taxes get backing from studies in Oregon and Canada, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

ClimateCast Logo over climate marchers

Ripples keep spreading from NY climate summit

Climate Week spurs new pledges from businesses, KLM to power its planes with a biofuel mix, Google and Facebook dump their ties to ALEC, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Cattle grazing in Marin

Soil carbon, home on the range

Turning organic materials into compost and applying it to rangelands on a larger scale could store a lot of carbon, repurpose organic waste, improve the health of rangelands, increase climate resilience, and help farmers’ bottom lines.

ClimateCast Logo over NY marchers

Marchers pack NY streets; loud calls to price carbon

Rockefeller family foundation to divest from the very fuels that built their fortune, U.S. Navy orders 100 million gallons of biofuels, novices build a wind generator from scratch, and more stories of the week in clean energy.

Smells like global warming

Three hours north of San Francisco, the haze thickens to soupy smoke. Through the closed car windows, the smell is unmistakable. It smells like global warming.

ClimateCast Logo over linemen working at substation

Wind prices hit new lows, solar panel glut disappears

Court rules for making the power grid friendlier to renewables, Western drought so bad that the mountains are rebounding, China's coal use actually declines, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

Mobile, AL wetlands

Who saves with solar, and who pays?

Economic risks of climate change, severe drought and forests on fire, Fortune 500 companies embracing renewable energy, electric vehicles and utilities; and much more.

Our corner of the country is on fire

Nearly unprecedented wildfires are raging across parts of Washington and Oregon, and have devastated the community of Pateros, WA. Here's how you can help.

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